

Diploma Course on the Labor Justice System and USMCA for the Automotive Industry

a. Purpose

i. Analyze, reflect, and understand the labor reform in the context of International Law and trade agreements to align internal processes in auto parts companies with new international standards.

b. Simplified Syllabus

i. Labor Law.
ii. Labor Reform.
iii. The Federal Center for Conciliation and Labor Registration and Labor Standards
iv. International Standards, Business Due Diligence, International Doctrine, and International Jurisprudence: The Path to Compliance from a Gender Perspective
v. Trade Agreements and their Control Mechanisms: Chapter 23 and the Rapid Response Mechanism.

Awareness Workshop for Employers on the Labor Reform and USMCA: Principles and Procedures

a. Purpose

i. Raise awareness among employers in the Mexican automotive supply chain, particularly SMEs, about the key legal and labor aspects brought about by the labor reform.

b. Simplified Syllabus

i. Labor Reform under the Context of the USMCA
ii. The New Labor Justice System
iii. Legal and Labor Aspects of the Reform and their Impact on Labor Relations with Workers and Unions.

Workshop: Post-Legitimization Actions for Employers without a Legitimized Collective Bargaining Agreement

a. Purpose

i. Identify the consequences when a company lacks a legitimized Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and understand the rights and obligations of workers, companies, and unions in this situation.

b. Simplified Syllabus

i. Assess the current situation of companies without a legitimized CBA, their current employment relationships with workers.
ii. What is the Representativeness Procedure?
iii. Who can initiate the Representativeness Procedure?
iv. The Scope and Limitations of Company Participation in the Representativeness Procedure.
v. Principle of Neutrality.

Workshop on Rapid Response Labor Mechanism

a. Purpose

i. Help employers understand practical cases of the Rapid Response Labor Mechanism (RRLM) within the sector’s value chain. This enables them to identify opportunities for proactive measures in their workplaces to avoid non-compliance.

b. Simplified Syllabus

i. NA



Workshop: Challenges and Learnings from the Reform: From Legitimation of Collective Labor Contracts to Strengthening Social Dialogue

a. Purpose

i. After the first phase of the Labor Reform, which began with the legitimation of Collective Bargaining Agreements, it becomes crucial to foster improved communication between companies, workers, and their union organizations, considering the more active role workers now play in their union decisions.

b. Simplified Syllabus

i. Strengthening Social Dialogue, Developing Communication, Negotiation, and Trust Skills.
ii. Strengthening the Relationship Between Companies and Union Organizations and their Workers.
iii. Identify the New Role of Human Resources in Understanding Union and Labor Processes.
iv. Identify Collective Bargaining Practices.

Workshop: Promoting Competitiveness in the Automotive Industry: Training in Labor Conciliation and Mediation

a. Purpose

i. Equip human resources managers and legal representatives of automotive sector companies with the theoretical, legal, and practical knowledge needed to reconcile conflicts between employers and workers.

b. Simplified Syllabus

i. Legal Analysis of Labor Conciliation
ii. Conciliator’s Profile.
iii. Conflict Theory and Communication Theory.
iv. Methodology Applicable to Conflict Management.
v. Compliance’s Perspective on Labor Conciliation.
vi. Clinic for Making Agreements from Human Resources and Legal Departments.
vii. Labor Conflict Management Clinic Aligned with Standard 1250 Before the CONOCER [National Council for Standardization and Certification of Labor Competencies].



Course for Developing a Model Protocol for the Prevention and Handling of Violence with an Intercultural and Intersectional Gender Perspective

a. Purpose

i. Collaboratively design a Violence Prevention and Handling Protocol with an intercultural and intersectional gender perspective for sector companies, involving key representatives ideally placed in corporate and plant roles.

b. Simplified Syllabus

i. Definitions, Scope of Application, General Principles, including a Non-Binary and Intersectional Gender Approach.
ii. Consent and Its Different Components, Prevention Measures (as outlined in NMX-025).
iii. Protection, Redress, and Proposed Mechanisms for Addressing Complaints.

Workshop on Workplace Violence Prevention Awareness

a. Purpose

i. Identify and analyze various forms of violence in workspaces, such as everyday sexism, symbolic violence, workplace violence, and more. The aim is to create an inclusive work environment free of any form of violence.

b. Simplified Syllabus

i. The Impact of Workplace Violence: Its Origin, Causes, Myths, Typology, and Prevention and Response Paths.
ii. The “Violence Ladder,” Including Family and Community Violence.
iii. Regulatory Frameworks, Official Standards, and Action Protocols as Essential Tools for Improving Healthy Workplace Relationships.

Workshop on Preventing and Addressing Workplace Harassment

a. Purpose

i. Train employers in the automotive sector, including executives, managers, and mid-level supervisors, on the integration of actions and strategies to combat and prevent workplace harassment, including sexual harassment, based on a labor human rights perspective and in compliance with the provisions in Chapter 23 of the USMCA and Labor Reform.

b. Simplified Syllabus

i. Workplace Harassment – Definitions and Types
ii. Distinguishing Between Workplace Harassment and Sexual Harassment
iii. Practical Examples of Identifying Harassment and Bullying
iv. Employer Responsibilities for Prevention and Response.
v. Applicable Legal Sanctions
vi. Tools and Best Practices for Preventing and Addressing Workplace Harassment, (including the significance of a gender-perspective protocol)

Workshop on Best Practices in Gender: Workplace Lactation Facilities

a. Purpose

i. Educate on labor rights and employer obligations for women in lactation, dispelling myths around lactation permission to prevent workplace violence against this demographic.

b. Simplified Syllabus

i. Employer Obligations Regarding Women in Lactation:
ii. Legal Framework and Labor Rights of Lactating Women.
iii. Why investing in Lactation Rooms in Companies?
iv. Workplace Lactation Support Programs.
v. Corporate Lactation Rooms.
vi. Myths around Lactation.
vii. Key Challenges in Implementing Workplace Lactation Programs.

Workshop: Creating Inclusive Work Environments – Key Steps for an Inclusive and Diverse Company.

a. Purpose

i. Guide employers in developing an action route / plan to promote inclusion and diversity in the workplace aligned with their company’s objectives.

b. Simplified Syllabus

i. Shifting Organizational Culture
ii. Diverse and Inclusive Internal Policies
iii. The Significance of Institutional Commitment for Establishing Inclusive Spaces




a. Purpose

i. Provide specific information and guidance to companies on standard 035 to drive compliance

b. Simplified Syllabus

i. Workplan
ii. DOF NOM-035-STPS-2018
iii. Compliance with Reference NOM [Official Mexican Standard]
iv. Policy and Regulation
v. Dissemination Campaign
vi. FRPS Actions
vii. EOF Actions
viii. Results Guides
ix. Labor Welfare Program (FRP and EOF)
x. Committee

Workshop on Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination in the Workplace: NMX –R-025-SCFI-2015

a. Purpose

i. Provide participants with the fundamentals of Standard NMX-R-025-SCFI-2015 and its application in the organization, so that they know the proposed methodology and carry out its application.

b. Simplified Syllabus

i. Main Axes
ii. Requirements
iii. The development of policies, protocols, and committees.
iv. Recruitment of personnel from a gender perspective
v. Audits and Certification
vi. Monitoring Tools